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A poster with the text "Accessibility information"Graphics: Levi Karvonen

Olahahttivuohta dieđut - Sápmi Pride 2023

- 01.08.2023

Olahahttivuohta (davvisámegillii)

Šállošahtti min dáhpáhusbáikkit eai leat olahahttit. Dán dokumeanttas leat dieđut dáhpáhusbáikkiid olahahttivuođas. Juos dus leat gažaldagat, sáhtát váldit midjiide oktavuođa sosiála media bokte (@sapmipride) dahje eboastta bokte ( Muhtin dieđut almmustahttojuvvojit maŋŋeleappos!

Mo dovddat lágideddjiid

Mis leat fiskes gaibagahpirat, main lohká alit bustávaiguin “Sápmi Pride”.


Šállošahtti dáhpáhus ii leat dulkojuvvon. Dáhpáhusa áigge addojuvvon dieđut muitaluvvojit eaŋgalas-, suoma- ja davvisámegillii.

Ráidovázzin (álggahan- ja loahpahanbáiki, Hetan koulukeskus, Puistomäentie 3, 99400 Enontekiö)

Ráidovázzin johtá asfalterejuvvon vázzingeainnu mielde. Geainnus eai leat miellit, muhto das leat muhtin unna rokkit. Mátki lea 2,3 kilomehtera guhku ja dan vázzimii gollá sullii 30-40 minuhta.

Mii bargat dan ovdii, ahte geainnu guoras livčče beaŋkkat mas čohkkát ja čáhcelihtit main váldit čázi.

Vázzingeainnu kártá. Álggahan- ja loahpahanbáiki lea merkejuvvon vilges násttiin, mas lea nummar 3. Ráidovázzin dahká rieggá ja dat rasttilda váldogeainnu guktii. Kárttás geaidnu lea merkejuvvon vilges čuoggáiguin.

A map of the parade route and the venues that will be used for Sápmi Pride. The map has 6 spots marked out: The church, the school, the start of the parade (which is by the school), the grocery store, Hetta hotel and Tunturi-Lapin Luontokeskus)

Lapland Hotels Hetta, Ounastie 281, 99400 Enontekiö

+358 16 323 700

Báikki olgouksa

Olgouvssa govdodat: 100cm

Hotellii manadettiin leat guokte šielmmá. Vuosttamučča allodat lea 5cm, nuppi 3cm.

Olgouvssa sáhttá rahpat ovttain gieđain, muhto uksa ii biso rabas iehčanassii. Uvssat rahpasit olggos guvlui dalle go boahtá sisa hotellii.

Hotealla šiljus ii leat invaparkerenbáiki. Juos dárbbašat diekkára, sáhtát riŋget hotellii ovddal gihtii ja sii várrejit dutnje parkerensaji lahka olgouvssa.

Two brown doors with two long vertical wooden handles either sidePhoto of the space in between the entrance doors. A white drape is hanging in front of the second entrance door.Lobby viewed from the entrance. Staircase on the left, entrance to dining area on the right

Olahahtti hoteallalanjat

Hoteallas leat guokte olahahtti hoteallalanja.

Feaskára hivsset, masa čáhká juvlastuoluin

Uvssa govdodat: 84cm

Hivssegii lea šielbmá, mii loktana bajás guvlui. Dan allodat lea 5cm.

Uksa rahpasa olggos guvlui hivssegii manadettiin.

Hivsset lea lahka hotealla olgouvssa.

Photo of a beige door, which leads to the wheelchair accessible bathroomInterior of wheelchair accessible bathroom. Two handrails come down behind the wall


Lávvordateahkeda feasta lea hotealla boradansáles. Sálii beassá juvlastuoluin.

Wheelchair-accessible route from lobby to dining hall. It's a curved pathphoto of dining hall. The floor is flat, except for the entrance to the kitchens which has two steps leading up to it and a children's play area

Vuoiŋŋastanlatnja feastta áigge

Hoteallas lea vuoiŋŋastanlatnja feastta áigge. Dohko sáhttá mannat vuoiŋŋastit. Dat lea lahka boradansále gos DJ-joavku čuojaha. Lanja uvssa sáhttá gokčat, muhto latnjii gullojit dattege muhtin jienat.

Uvssa govdodat: 84cm

Šielmmá allodat: 2mm

Resting room, with two tables and 6 chairs in itThe broad metal threshold to the resting room.

Heahtá skuvla, Puistomäentie 3, 99400 Enontekiö

Mii leat skuvlla šiljus.


Tunturi-Lappi luondduguovddáš, auditoriija, Peuratie 15, 99400 Enontekiö

Olgouvssa govdodat: 88cm, muhto fidne 176cm govdadin.

Šielbmá: 5cm

Gaskauvssa šielbmá: 1,5cm

Uksa lea lossat. Olgouvssa lahka lea dáhpáhusa lágideaddji čuožžume ja fállame veahki.

Luondduguovddážis lea hivsset, masa čáhká juvlastuoluin. Dat lea olgouvssa gurut bealde.

Uvssa govdodat: 90cm.

Auditoriijai beassá go vázzá olgouvssas njuolga infobeavddi meaddel. Auditoriija lea olgeš bealde.

Uvssa govdodat: 90cm, muhto fidne 150m govdadin. Uksa lea lossat, muhto mii viggat doallat dan rabas. Okta lágideddjiin čuožžu uvssa lahkosis.

Auditoriija čuovggat leat litnásat. Mii geavahit mikrofovnna hupmamii.

Entrance to Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskus. Two doors that open outwardsTwo doors inside Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskus, leading to two wheelchair accessible bathroomsOpen door to the bahtroom at Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskus. You can't see insideInside of bathroom at Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskus. Two bars can come down on either side of the toilet. Spacious roomPhoto of the door leading to the auditorium, which is to the right of the front deskDoor leading into the auditorium. There's a wooden threshold by the door